The goal of this project was to create a campaign that will brand my teams multimedia agency. We were to develop a creative concept and produce the visual elements that form part of the branding, focusing on web and mobile interfaces, web banners, design manual and online video.
How can we create a campaign by using branding concepts, a landing page and visual materials to promote our multimedia agency?
What services do we offer?
How can we make our multimedia agency unique to stand out from the others?
What are our values and advantages?
Value Proposition, Persona, Wireframing, Design Manual, Visual Design of the Web and Mobile Interfaces, SWOT Analysis.
Team of 3 students.
Spring, 2020
Me and my team decided to create a campaign and brand a web design and branding company that is based In Kolding. The company was to offer its’ customers services such as web designing, branding and visual identity creation.
Initially we did a research and brand analysis to find out more about our competitors and what they offer. We identified the problems they and their customers are facing and drawing from that we were able to develop a concept and values of our multimedia agency. We identified why our company is unique and what would make potential customers to choose us.
We are unique because we offer help to our customers to tackle the problems that they face when their website is published. We offer full collaboration and full support to our customers.
Values and advantages.
Using these values and advantages, we built a better communication brief and campaign.
1. Highly and responsive communication through the development process: That means we will do video-calls and we will study together their needs and their target group, editing while receiving feedback from the customer
2. Understanding the business values and customers’ target group: We know small businesses don’t have a clear vision of who their clients or their target group are. That’s why we offer a service of research and SEO to get a better understanding of who we are targeting when we build the customer’s responsive web-design. In simple words: We don’t only create websites and publish them, we edit them to be as user friendly as possible and relevant for the target audience of our client.
3. Offering support after we deliver the project: We don’t only deliver our project and let the customer faces the challenges itself. It’s natural to need support after you are published, that’s why we offer full collaboration service for a successful business.
4. Using contemporary style and trending designs of 2020. We are not just making a web-design responsive and functional. We also add a sweet taste of the most popular designs from 2020, that will attract the attention to the customer websites and our clients brand!
I created a Value Proposition Canvas for a potential future customer to determine how our customer pains can be turned into gains.
I did SWOT analysis in order to look at internal and external factors that can affect our business. I conducted the analysis to to identify our agency strengths and identify the areas where our business would do well, to minimise weaknesses, to seize opportunities and to identify the threats in order to counteract them.
I created our Buyer Persona to have a clear vision of our potential customer. Drawing from the persona information we were able to start creating the visual part of our multimedia agency.
As a next step I came up with a name for our company which encompasses capital letters of all our initial team member names and also translates as “clear media” from danish. “Clear” connotes the transparency of the company and thus creates trust in our customers.
Our agency logo comprises two elements, the logo symbol and logo type. The Logo Symbol is two identically sized groups of circles where each group is in different color. One group is purple which connote businesses who turn to us for help and the other group is orange and connotes the customers who connect to the businesses.These symbols connote our key value – we help businesses to connect with their customers. These two groups of circles form an eternity symbol, thus symbolising the never ending communication between customers and businesses.
My task was to create a Design and Style Guide for KLAR Media drawing from the information what we have discovered.
My team created 3 different banners to promote our KLAR Media and to draw attention to the business.
Web banner
Mobile banner
Billboard banner
To promote our multimedia agency we choose to make a campaign using a video. My team drew some storyboards and we all agreed on the story.
Drawing from the storyboard my team created a video campaign which was intended as an advertisement. We included also the video on our website in About Us page.
Main Page
On the main page we have CTA buttons that stand out of the context to engage user. I also emphasised the main word that describe KLAR Media. And at the bottom of the page we show our rewards to create trust in the website viewers.
Web Design Page
In this page I try to clearly show why the user should choose our company and what KLAR Media offers. CTA button lets the user quickly contact us. Icons make the information easier to understand.
Branding Page
On this page users can see what branding services are offered. Each section is clickable to read more in details and gives examples of previous projects.
Latest Trends Page
Here the user can follow the latest design trends which can be implanted in their web design as well as see examples of already existing pages with the latest trend design. This page shows that KLAR Media is up to date with the lastest trend in web design.
About Us Page
About Us page displays video advertisement which talks about our company and why the user should choose to work with KLAR Media.
Responsive Design
After defining a breakpoint for each format, a browser- based version was built for desktop and mobile devices.
During this projects I learned the steps which have to be taken to create brand and how to create a campaign for a company.
In addition, I gained knowledge on how to create a Style Guide/Brand Manual for a brand and how important it is regarding the brands visual identity.
Also I learned that it is important to organise the time and the tasks in order not to get overwhelmed with work close to the deadline.
During this project I learned to not get stuck with the first idea but to keep experementing and brainstorming until you find the idea that works the best.
To create the this project we had 1 month time and thus the website could be improved. This project was also coded in HTML and CSS by my team and displayed online.
Overall I am satisfied with the project as we received grade 12 (A) for excellent performance.